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Create a Free Website With Github Pages and Hugo

A quick guide to writing and hosting a website for $0 in cost

Making your own website may seem like a lost art, but it’s easier than ever to create a free, no-strings-attached website.

We’ll be using the Hugo static site generator, which allows us to write Markdown that gets translated into HTML/CSS. Our generated HTML/CSS get stored into a git repository on Github. Github Pages will make this repository available as a fully-fledged website, complete with HTTPS and the option to add a custom domain name. We’ll go through the process step-by-step.

Installing Hugo and Starting Our Project

I’ll be assuming that you’re using Debian GNU/Linux. Everything should be able to be done on Linux, Windows, and OS X, but specific commands and configurations will vary.

To begin, install Hugo server from your distro’s repositories:

sudo apt install hugo -y

You can also download the binaries, which are likely a more recent version, from the Hugo Github repo.

Navigate to the directory where we want to store our project, and then run this command:

hugo new site yoursitename && cd yoursitename

Now, we need to add a theme. Let’s go with the Hyde-Y theme from Enten. Navigate into the themes directory of your project, and then clone the theme into this directory, using the following commands:

cd themes && git clone

Now, we need to edit our config.toml file to tell it our domain name and which theme to use. Here’s what mine looks like:

At this point, we can check out what our site look like. From our project’s root directory, run hugo server. Open up a web browser and go to http://localhost:1313

Hmm, that doesn’t look quite right. Each Hugo theme is slightly different, and this one expects files at both data/Menu.toml and data/FootMenu.toml, as well as some extra settings in config.toml. Assuming we don’t cancel hugo server while we edit and save those files, the web page in our browser will automatically update with our changes.

Much better! Let’s add one post before we share our website with the world. From the project root, run

mkdir content/post && hugo new content/post/"Welcome to My New"

Add whatever text you’d like, and make sure to switch Draft: true to Draft: false. Here’s what my post looks like:

If you’ve been checking out your site while running hugo server, you may have noticed that your links, like About, lead to a ‘404 not found’ message. We can create this page in the same way we made the post, by running:

hugo new

The About page is created under content/. Like with our post, make sure to switch it to Draft: false.

Github Pages

Awesome! We’re done making our website, but no one can see it until we deploy using Github pages. Obviously, you want a Github account. On the Github website, create a repository named Clone this repo into the root of our Hugo site. Then, run the following:

hugo -d

cd into that same repo, then commit & push.

After that, then… just kidding! That’s it; you’re done. Wait a few minutes, and your website will be online at . From here, you can enable HTTPS, add a custom domain name, and make new posts on your blog!

Written on Jul 26, 2019.

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